Your Support Changes Lives

These campaigns are multifaceted, raising funds for areas of need throughout the organization.

Gatesway is working to raise an additional $1million for the Mabee Match campaign by October 10, 2024. This allows Gatesway to receive a Mabee Foundation Challenge Grant of $450,600 once the goal is reached! Thank you for considering this vital project through your selfless support of Gatesway's Friends!

Our campaigns include the following:

Setting Standards Capital Campaign: raising funds for the construction of new homes on our Broken Arrow campus. The campus currently has room for 64 Friends to live, but many more homes are needed for the I/DD community. With your generous donation, you are breathing new life into Friends' homes, creating a safe haven where Friends can thrive and experience a sense of belonging.

Adopt-a-Friend Campaign: You have the incredible opportunity to extend a helping hand and financial support to those in need. By adopting a Friend, you'll foster genuine connections and uplift spirits, making a tangible difference in someone's life. A donation of $10.00 - $50.00 a month would change someone’s life.

Adopt a Cottage: You can breathe new life into our friends' homes by generously donating service hours and/or materials to revitalize their living spaces. Together, we'll create safe havens where our Friends can thrive and experience a sense of belonging. A donation of $50.00 - $100.00 a month would help elevate their spaces.

Special Olympics: You can support the Gatesway Special Olympics team throughout the year for practices and competitions. Funds are used for travel expenses, uniforms, sporting equipment, and much more. Your donation allows the Friends to continue competing in their beloved programs, gaining vital skills such as teamwork, coordination, goal setting, dedication, and athletic involvement.

*Select your preferred area of donation on the next page after selecting a dollar amount and clicking "donate".